
EX100 ISUZU 4BD1T Cylinder Head Gasket 8-94145839-1 8941458391 894145-8391
Product Name:
EX100 ISUZU 4BD1T Cylinder Head Gasket 8-94145839-1 8941458391 894145-8391
Model :
4BD1 EX90 EX100 EX100-2 EX100-3 EX120 EX150 LS2600 SH100 SH120 SH150 SK045

Product Description:

EX100 ISUZU 4BD1T Cylinder Head Gasket 8-94145839-1 8941458391 894145-8391

PART NAME Cylinder Head Gasket 
PART NUMBER 8-94145839-1 8941458391 894145-8391
MODEL EX100-2 EX100-3 EX120 EX150 LS2600 SH100 SH120 SH150 
H/S CODE  8409999990
PACKING Wooden box,standar packing with safety
EX100 ISUZU 4BD1T Cylinder Head Gasket 8-94145839-1 8941458391 894145-8391

ISUZU Packing,Water Pump                      897043-1871 8970431871 8-97043187-1 8-97043-187-1
ISUZU Pump Asm,Inj                            894470-5541 8944705541 8-94470554-1 8-94470-554-1
ISUZU Rubber,Head La                          897030-2730 8970302730 8-97030273-0 8-97030-273-0
ISUZU Stud,Water Pump                         897136-2260 8971362260 8-97136226-0 8-97136-226-0
ISUZU Bolt,Cover Fix,Boost Compensator        894313-2540 8943132540 8-94313254-0 8-94313-254-0
ISUZU Hose,Fuel Filler                        897117-7041 8971177041 8-97117704-1 8-97117-704-1
ISUZU Nut,Fuel Feed Pump Fix                  894171-1100 8941711100 8-94171110-0 8-94171-110-0
ISUZU Pipe,Exh,Center                         897116-7950 8971167950 8-97116795-0 8-97116-795-0
ISUZU Plate,Back,Frt Brk                      897093-6890 8970936890 8-97093689-0 8-97093-689-0
ISUZU Shaft,Flex,Spd To Conn                  894333-4700 8943334700 8-94333470-0 8-94333-470-0
ISUZU Bracket,Brk Cont Valve                  894233-4963 8942334963 8-94233496-3 8-94233-496-3
ISUZU Brake Unit,Exh                          897048-6641 8970486641 8-97048664-1 8-97048-664-1
ISUZU Chamber,Power,Exh Throttle Body         897069-4012 8970694012 8-97069401-2 8-97069-401-2
ISUZU Cock,Drain,Water                        894393-7160 8943937160 8-94393716-0 8-94393-716-0
ISUZU Filter & Cooler Asm,Oil                 897113-8492 8971138492 8-97113849-2 8-97113-849-2
ISUZU Flyweight Asm,Timer,Inj Pump            897137-7860 8971377860 8-97137786-0 8-97137-786-0
ISUZU Guide,Spring,Converter                  896022-4680 8960224680 8-96022468-0 8-96022-468-0
ISUZU Journal Asm,Winch Drive Shaft           537300-0080 5373000080 5-37300008-0 5-37300-008-0
ISUZU Nozzle Asm.,                            894375-1951 8943751951 8-94375195-1 8-94375-195-1
ISUZU Plate,Guide                             894133-4140 8941334140 8-94133414-0 8-94133-414-0
ISUZU Valve,Egr                               897124-1645 8971241645 8-97124164-5 8-97124-164-5
ISUZU Cable,Parking Brk                       897063-1124 8970631124 8-97063112-4 8-97063-112-4
ISUZU Clip,Oil Pipe                           897069-5541 8970695541 8-97069554-1 8-97069-554-1
ISUZU Frame Asm                                897091-3931 8970913931 8-97091393-1 8-97091-393-1
ISUZU Harness,Cable,Battery To Starter        897065-4671 8970654671 8-97065467-1 8-97065-467-1
ISUZU Harness,Cable,Battery To Starter        897176-9760 8971769760 8-97176976-0 8-97176-976-0
ISUZU Link,Drag                               897070-4961 8970704961 8-97070496-1 8-97070-496-1
ISUZU Washer,Lk,Strg Shaft                    894476-3980 8944763980 8-94476398-0 8-94476-398-0
ISUZU Bolt,Rr Body Mtg                        897169-4230 8971694230 8-97169423-0 8-97169-423-0
ISUZU Bracket,Room Lamp,Roof                  894286-2831 8942862831 8-94286283-1 8-94286-283-1
ISUZU Controller,Anti Theft                   897129-4240 8971294240 8-97129424-0 8-97129-424-0
ISUZU Cover,Frt                               897074-8591 8970748591 8-97074859-1 8-97074-859-1
ISUZU Cup,Sealing,Camshaft                    897039-5260 8970395260 8-97039526-0 8-97039-526-0
ISUZU Plate Asm,Pressure,Clu                  894374-8971 8943748971 8-94374897-1 8-94374-897-1
ISUZU Rod End,Track Rod                       897031-9930 8970319930 8-97031993-0 8-97031-993-0
ISUZU Switch,Power Window                     897154-9043 8971549043 8-97154904-3 8-97154-904-3
ISUZU Circuit,Printed,Cluster Meter           897108-1090 8971081090 8-97108109-0 8-97108-109-0
ISUZU Gasket,Hsg To Case                      896014-2700 8960142700 8-96014270-0 8-96014-270-0
ISUZU Joint Asm,Ball,3Rd Shift Relay Lever    894120-3873 8941203873 8-94120387-3 8-94120-387-3
ISUZU Manifold,Inl                            894422-5332 8944225332 8-94422533-2 8-94422-533-2
ISUZU Panel,Closing,Frt Pillar                894267-0310 8942670310 8-94267031-0 8-94267-031-0
ISUZU Pump Asm,Oil                            894427-3031 8944273031 8-94427303-1 8-94427-303-1
ISUZU Screw,Antenna Cable                     897068-5472 8970685472 8-97068547-2 8-97068-547-2
ISUZU Seal,Water,Door Pad                     894271-4220 8942714220 8-94271422-0 8-94271-422-0
ISUZU Seat,Vlv Insert                         894399-1530 8943991530 8-94399153-0 8-94399-153-0
ISUZU Belt,Driver Seat,Buckle Side            897004-5741 8970045741 8-97004574-1 8-97004-574-1
ISUZU Bracket,Battery Cable                   897163-7910 8971637910 8-97163791-0 8-97163-791-0
ISUZU Lens,Warning Lamp                       897132-2791 8971322791 8-97132279-1 8-97132-279-1
ISUZU Mattress,Floor                          894474-6473 8944746473 8-94474647-3 8-94474-647-3
ISUZU Pump Asm,Inj                            897038-7462 8970387462 8-97038746-2 8-97038-746-2
ISUZU Switch,Comb                             894370-8021 8943708021 8-94370802-1 8-94370-802-1
ISUZU Filter & Cooler Asm,Oil                 894327-2721 8943272721 8-94327272-1 8-94327-272-1
ISUZU Float,Oil Tank,Clu M/Cyl                894412-2040 8944122040 8-94412204-0 8-94412-204-0
ISUZU Grip,Assist,Door Trim                   897003-3955 8970033955 8-97003395-5 8-97003-395-5
ISUZU Motor Asm,Fan,Htr Unit                  894440-3200 8944403200 8-94440320-0 8-94440-320-0
ISUZU Pipe Asm,F/Pump-I/Pump                  897046-7950 8970467950 8-97046795-0 8-97046-795-0
ISUZU Plate,Adj                               897018-9392 8970189392 8-97018939-2 8-97018-939-2
ISUZU Rectifier,Generator                     897165-4370 8971654370 8-97165437-0 8-97165-437-0
ISUZU Rod Asm,Conn                            894392-3752 8943923752 8-94392375-2 8-94392-375-2
ISUZU Spring,Piston Return,Rr Clu,A/T         894483-4410 8944834410 8-94483441-0 8-94483-441-0
ISUZU Water Pump Kit                           897045-1800 8970451800 8-97045180-0 8-97045-180-0
ISUZU Beam Asm,Cross,Inst Panel               897083-2401 8970832401 8-97083240-1 8-97083-240-1
ISUZU Bracket,Pulley To Cyl Hd                894109-9001 8941099001 8-94109900-1 8-94109-900-1
ISUZU Cap,Hub,Auto Locking Hub                894441-8931 8944418931 8-94441893-1 8-94441-893-1
ISUZU Connector,Oil Pipe                      897180-9150 8971809150 8-97180915-0 8-97180-915-0
ISUZU Cylinder Set,Car Lock 897154-7180 8971547180 8-97154718-0 8-97154-718-0
ISUZU Housing,Conv,A/T                        896018-1310 8960181310 8-96018131-0 8-96018-131-0
ISUZU Housing,Flywheel                        894395-8383 8943958383 8-94395838-3 8-94395-838-3
ISUZU Protector,Heat,Harness                  897108-2800 8971082800 8-97108280-0 8-97108-280-0
ISUZU Bolt,Rr Plate To C/Bl                   894215-0440 8942150440 8-94215044-0 8-94215-044-0
ISUZU Clip                                     909916-3380 9099163380 9-09916338-0 9-09916-338-0
ISUZU Gear,Oil Pump                           894396-9572 8943969572 8-94396957-2 8-94396-957-2
ISUZU Plug,Htr Pipe                           894293-8060 8942938060 8-94293806-0 8-94293-806-0
ISUZU Pump Asm,Oil,P/S                        894388-9232 8943889232 8-94388923-2 8-94388-923-2
ISUZU Spacer,Brk M/Cyl                        897178-0140 8971780140 8-97178014-0 8-97178-014-0
ISUZU Washer,Thrust,5Th                       894238-1002 8942381002 8-94238100-2 8-94238-100-2
ISUZU Bracket,Adj Screw,Gov                   894457-1651 8944571651 8-94457165-1 8-94457-165-1
ISUZU Cable,Select,Trans Cont                 897082-9631 8970829631 8-97082963-1 8-97082-963-1
ISUZU Cable,Shift,Trans Cont                  897023-8062 8970238062 8-97023806-2 8-97023-806-2
ISUZU Guard,Mud,Drag Link                     894121-3930 8941213930 8-94121393-0 8-94121-393-0
ISUZU Hose,P/S Oil Pump,Inl                   897106-4240 8971064240 8-97106424-0 8-97106-424-0
ISUZU Lever Asm,Pto & Dump Cont               897017-1141 8970171141 8-97017114-1 8-97017-114-1
ISUZU Panel,Eng Hood                          897111-8073 8971118073 8-97111807-3 8-97111-807-3
ISUZU Panel,Side Inner,Rr Body                897018-1960 8970181960 8-97018196-0 8-97018-196-0
ISUZU Piston,Cont                             897066-8200 8970668200 8-97066820-0 8-97066-820-0
ISUZU Box Asm,Fuse                            894362-0960 8943620960 8-94362096-0 8-94362-096-0
ISUZU Hose,Water,Rad Outlet                   894388-1651 8943881651 8-94388165-1 8-94388-165-1
ISUZU Pipe,Breather                           894137-6820 8941376820 8-94137682-0 8-94137-682-0
ISUZU Pump Asm,Inj                            894361-8450 8943618450 8-94361845-0 8-94361-845-0
ISUZU Pump Asm,Water                          894141-8465 8941418465 8-94141846-5 8-94141-846-5
ISUZU Screw,Nozzle,Rr Washer                  509981-1040 5099811040 5-09981104-0 5-09981-104-0
ISUZU Bracket,Power Steering Hose             897120-7080 8971207080 8-97120708-0 8-97120-708-0
ISUZU Frame Asm                                897181-6950 8971816950 8-97181695-0 8-97181-695-0
ISUZU Harness,Room Lamp                       897075-7433 8970757433 8-97075743-3 8-97075-743-3
ISUZU Rod,Release                             897037-0053 8970370053 8-97037005-3 8-97037-005-3
ISUZU Bracket,Headlamp Rim                    894291-2063 8942912063 8-94291206-3 8-94291-206-3
ISUZU Gasket,Cover                            897035-5670 8970355670 8-97035567-0 8-97035-567-0
ISUZU Joint Asm,Outside,Frt Drive Shaft       897063-6210 8970636210 8-97063621-0 8-97063-621-0
ISUZU Lamp Unit,Side Comb                     894324-1050 8943241050 8-94324105-0 8-94324-105-0
ISUZU Spring,Leaf,No 7,Frt                    894158-8241 8941588241 8-94158824-1 8-94158-824-1
ISUZU Carpet,Floor,Rr                         897152-2952 8971522952 8-97152295-2 8-97152-295-2
ISUZU Cup,Sealing,C/Bl Frt & Rr               897036-5501 8970365501 8-97036550-1 8-97036-550-1

 Why choose our company?

1. We have profession isuzu team,more than 20 years experience business isuzu parts.

2. We can offer used and new isuzu genuine parts, oem,good quality made in china parts to you.

3. The isuzu genuine parts will give weight,price when quotation.

4.Isuzu genuine stock pictures will send before order.

5.All isuzu parts can check with part number,all parts can order follow part number.

6. Quick delivery time,in 24 hours if sotck.

7. Safe packing to protect the goods, such as wooden box, Iron sheet for our isuzu parts.

8. Small quantity can accept.Sample order also accept.

9. 24 hours oversea service.

10.Lifelong after-sales service.

Q1:How long is the warranted time?<>

For natural broken, 3 months. Guarantee isuzu genuine parts.


Q2: What's payment you can accept?<>



Q3: What's package? Can you give me the package according my requirement?<>

Yes, Original Isuzu packing or Neutral packing with wooden box or carton


Q4: How about the lead time?<>

1) In stock: 1-3days.Always in 24 hours

2) Out of stock: It's according to your quantity, and we have cooperated with factory. 
We will let you know when we quote.


Q5: What's the shipping way you can offer?<>

1) Big order: By sea or by air.(It can reduce the costs)
2) Small order: DHL, TNT, UPS, FEDEX, EMS,ARAMEX


Q6: Whta's the terms of the transaction?<>


Q7: Do you accept small order?<>

Yes, small order can accept.


Q8: What's brand you can offer in your company?<>

1) OEM, 100% GENUINE PARTS, COPY(Made in China)


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Add: A25-A28 Ji Ye Machinery Market,Hui Cai Road,Tian He District,GuangZhou,China