HITACHI ZX450 ISUZU BB-6WG1XQA Diesel Engine Motor Complete

HITACHI ZX450 ISUZU BB-6WG1XQA Diesel Engine Motor Complete

PART NAME Diesel Engine Motor Complete
MODEL ZX450 ZX470 6WG1
H/S CODE  8409999990
PACKING Wooden box,standar packing with safety
HITACHI ZX450 ISUZU BB-6WG1XQA Diesel Engine Motor Complete

ZX450 Engine
6WG1 Engine
ISUZU Rubber,Cushion,Eng Mtg,Rr               894135-9851 8941359851 8-94135985-1 8-94135-985-1
ISUZU Seal,Oil,Rr Hub,Inner                   894336-3140 8943363140 8-94336314-0 8-94336-314-0
ISUZU Shim,Nozzle Spring,Nozzle Holder        894174-1700 8941741700 8-94174170-0 8-94174-170-0
ISUZU Bracket,Pto,Trans Side                  894157-5410 8941575410 8-94157541-0 8-94157-541-0
ISUZU Joint,Jaw,Clu M/Cyl                     894142-9750 8941429750 8-94142975-0 8-94142-975-0
ISUZU Rest,Arm,Rr Door                        897154-6773 8971546773 8-97154677-3 8-97154-677-3
ISUZU Shim,Final Pinion Cage                  897130-3860 8971303860 8-97130386-0 8-97130-386-0
ISUZU Transmission Asm,Manual                 897030-8621 8970308621 8-97030862-1 8-97030-862-1
ISUZU Barrel Asm,W/Key,Strg Lock              897045-9460 8970459460 8-97045946-0 8-97045-946-0
ISUZU Bracket,Gen                             894379-0945 8943790945 8-94379094-5 8-94379-094-5
ISUZU Flange,Output                           897129-2450 8971292450 8-97129245-0 8-97129-245-0
ISUZU Hose,Flex,P/S                           897043-2722 8970432722 8-97043272-2 8-97043-272-2
ISUZU Screw,Glove Box Stopper                 894275-9460 8942759460 8-94275946-0 8-94275-946-0
ISUZU Stud,Oil Pan                            897087-6321 8970876321 8-97087632-1 8-97087-632-1
ISUZU Booster Asm,Clu                         897048-9281 8970489281 8-97048928-1 8-97048-928-1
ISUZU Case,Timing Gear                        894155-3610 8941553610 8-94155361-0 8-94155-361-0
ISUZU Decal,2.5D                              897139-2341 8971392341 8-97139234-1 8-97139-234-1
ISUZU Disc,Clutch                             894471-6290 8944716290 8-94471629-0 8-94471-629-0
ISUZU Handle,Outside,Frt Door                 894475-8092 8944758092 8-94475809-2 8-94475-809-2
ISUZU Hanger,Eng,Rr                           911777-6270 9117776270 9-11777627-0 9-11777-627-0
ISUZU Pipe,Fuel,Delivery                      897070-3722 8970703722 8-97070372-2 8-97070-372-2
ISUZU Pipe,Oil,Vlv To Frt Flex Hose           897023-3822 8970233822 8-97023382-2 8-97023-382-2
ISUZU Rod,Reclining 897036-9982 8970369982 8-97036998-2 8-97036-998-2
ISUZU Bush,Balancer,                          894379-3140 8943793140 8-94379314-0 8-94379-314-0
ISUZU Clip,Carpet Fix                         894356-5780 8943565780 8-94356578-0 8-94356-578-0
ISUZU Pump Asm,Water,W/Gasket                 894461-1730 8944611730 8-94461173-0 8-94461-173-0
ISUZU Valve,Brake Cont                        894137-6482 8941376482 8-94137648-2 8-94137-648-2
ISUZU Bolster,Rr End,Rr Body                  897147-7851 8971477851 8-97147785-1 8-97147-785-1
ISUZU Bolt,Oil Pump Hsg,A/T                   897019-5320 8970195320 8-97019532-0 8-97019-532-0
ISUZU Cover,Strg Wheel,Lwr                    897158-2970 8971582970 8-97158297-0 8-97158-297-0
ISUZU Cowl,Steering                           897004-8452 8970048452 8-97004845-2 8-97004-845-2
ISUZU Gear,Counter                            897104-1611 8971041611 8-97104161-1 8-97104-161-1
ISUZU Holder,Sunvisor                         894328-0570 8943280570 8-94328057-0 8-94328-057-0
ISUZU Master Vac Asm,Brk                      897021-9421 8970219421 8-97021942-1 8-97021-942-1
ISUZU Pipe,Brk,Union To Lsv                   897043-6892 8970436892 8-97043689-2 8-97043-689-2
ISUZU Rod,Push                                897066-8693 8970668693 8-97066869-3 8-97066-869-3
ISUZU Sleeve,High-Low Shift,Transfer          536262-0050 5362620050 5-36262005-0 5-36262-005-0
ISUZU Bracket,Accel Cable                     897136-1453 8971361453 8-97136145-3 8-97136-145-3
ISUZU Pipe,Brk,5 Way To Union                 897091-6663 8970916663 8-97091666-3 8-97091-666-3
ISUZU Retainer,Brg.                           894389-2390 8943892390 8-94389239-0 8-94389-239-0
ISUZU Ring                                     894424-2200 8944242200 8-94424220-0 8-94424-220-0
ISUZU Seal,Waist,Frt Door                     894291-8912 8942918912 8-94291891-2 8-94291-891-2
ISUZU Silencer Asm,Exh                        897165-8300 8971658300 8-97165830-0 8-97165-830-0
ISUZU Arm,Knuckle                             894100-8380 8941008380 8-94100838-0 8-94100-838-0
ISUZU Duct,Water,Suction                      894395-3250 8943953250 8-94395325-0 8-94395-325-0
ISUZU Filter & Cooler Asm,Oil                 894391-4032 8943914032 8-94391403-2 8-94391-403-2
ISUZU Plate,Lock                              897118-9830 8971189830 8-97118983-0 8-97118-983-0
ISUZU Plug,Glow                               894319-7000 8943197000 8-94319700-0 8-94319-700-0
ISUZU Cover,Gov. Lever                        897034-6362 8970346362 8-97034636-2 8-97034-636-2
ISUZU Cover,Reclining                         897098-2610 8970982610 8-97098261-0 8-97098-261-0
ISUZU Cover,Trim,Back                         894476-8093 8944768093 8-94476809-3 8-94476-809-3
ISUZU Gasket,Overflow Valve,Inj Pump          897141-1820 8971411820 8-97141182-0 8-97141-182-0
ISUZU Plug,Closing,Gov Sleeve                 894408-5350 8944085350 8-94408535-0 8-94408-535-0
ISUZU Pump Asm,Inj                            515601-0292 5156010292 5-15601029-2 5-15601-029-2
ISUZU Stud,Inl Manif                          894202-4580 8942024580 8-94202458-0 8-94202-458-0
ISUZU Transmission Asm,Manual                 894420-3380 8944203380 8-94420338-0 8-94420-338-0
ISUZU Brush,Gen                               894223-9660 8942239660 8-94223966-0 8-94223-966-0
ISUZU Dovetail,Slide Door,Female              894291-3580 8942913580 8-94291358-0 8-94291-358-0
ISUZU Lever,Load Cont,Gov                     894457-9790 8944579790 8-94457979-0 8-94457-979-0
ISUZU Regulator Asm,Voltage,Gen               894250-9680 8942509680 8-94250968-0 8-94250-968-0
ISUZU Shaft Asm,Prop,Rr                       897042-4021 8970424021 8-97042402-1 8-97042-402-1
ISUZU Ventilator Asm,Side Window              894358-8064 8943588064 8-94358806-4 8-94358-806-4
ISUZU Bracket,Gen 894436-1802 8944361802 8-94436180-2 8-94436-180-2
ISUZU Clutch,Cooling Fan                      894478-9841 8944789841 8-94478984-1 8-94478-984-1
ISUZU Generator Asm                            894389-7721 8943897721 8-94389772-1 8-94389-772-1
ISUZU Hose,Vac,Vac Pump To Pipe               894137-7700 8941377700 8-94137770-0 8-94137-770-0
ISUZU Pipe;Inlet                               894134-7800 8941347800 8-94134780-0 8-94134-780-0
ISUZU Body Asm,Vlv Upr Rr,A/T                 894323-5210 8943235210 8-94323521-0 8-94323-521-0
ISUZU Hose,Rad To Surge Tank                  897129-5480 8971295480 8-97129548-0 8-97129-548-0
ISUZU Pipe,Water                              897115-6401 8971156401 8-97115640-1 8-97115-640-1
ISUZU Pipe,Water Outlet                       894238-3800 8942383800 8-94238380-0 8-94238-380-0
ISUZU Shim,Nozzle Spring,Nozzle Holder        894174-1720 8941741720 8-94174172-0 8-94174-172-0
ISUZU Bracket,Pipe                            897087-1920 8970871920 8-97087192-0 8-97087-192-0
ISUZU Control Unit,Abs                        897085-3910 8970853910 8-97085391-0 8-97085-391-0
ISUZU Lid,Fuel Neck                           894358-6345 8943586345 8-94358634-5 8-94358-634-5
ISUZU Plate Asm,Pressure,Clu                  894408-6420 8944086420 8-94408642-0 8-94408-642-0
ISUZU Arm,Rocker                              897084-9271 8970849271 8-97084927-1 8-97084-927-1
ISUZU Cord,Horn                               897022-9660 8970229660 8-97022966-0 8-97022-966-0
ISUZU Cover,Hub Lock                          897032-9070 8970329070 8-97032907-0 8-97032-907-0
ISUZU Magnet,Parcel Box Lid                   894286-0172 8942860172 8-94286017-2 8-94286-017-2
ISUZU Oil Pipe Asm                             894167-1180 8941671180 8-94167118-0 8-94167-118-0
ISUZU Pipe,Oil,Return,Turbocharger            894394-5871 8943945871 8-94394587-1 8-94394-587-1
ISUZU Bracket,Oil Jack                        894273-2876 8942732876 8-94273287-6 8-94273-287-6
ISUZU Brake Unit,Exh                          897034-0240 8970340240 8-97034024-0 8-97034-024-0
ISUZU Drive Asm,Final,Rr                      897021-0931 8970210931 8-97021093-1 8-97021-093-1
ISUZU Hose,Water,Rad Outlet                   894136-2751 8941362751 8-94136275-1 8-94136-275-1
ISUZU Cover,Reclining                         894250-3150 8942503150 8-94250315-0 8-94250-315-0
ISUZU Cover,Tappet Chamber                    894169-7820 8941697820 8-94169782-0 8-94169-782-0
ISUZU Cover,Trim,Rr Seat Back                 897082-4570 8970824570 8-97082457-0 8-97082-457-0
ISUZU Lever                                    894331-5340 8943315340 8-94331534-0 8-94331-534-0
ISUZU Piston,Rear Wheel Cyl                   894128-5311 8941285311 8-94128531-1 8-94128-531-1
ISUZU Rubber,Cushion,Eng Mtg,Rr               897130-4293 8971304293 8-97130429-3 8-97130-429-3
ISUZU Shim,Plunger,Inj Pump                   894227-5480 8942275480 8-94227548-0 8-94227-548-0
ISUZU Switch,Comb                             897111-4943 8971114943 8-97111494-3 8-97111-494-3
ISUZU Adjuster,Seat Slide                     897130-6900 8971306900 8-97130690-0 8-97130-690-0
ISUZU Bearing,Hub Inner,Frt Axle              894242-6830 8942426830 8-94242683-0 8-94242-683-0
ISUZU Body,Water Pump,Lwr                     894476-0020 8944760020 8-94476002-0 8-94476-002-0
ISUZU Bumper,Frt,Side                         894434-5893 8944345893 8-94434589-3 8-94434-589-3
ISUZU Cooler Asm,Oil                          894393-7501 8943937501 8-94393750-1 8-94393-750-1
ISUZU Cowl,Steering                           897153-2456 8971532456 8-97153245-6 8-97153-245-6
ISUZU Flyweight                                515722-0194 5157220194 5-15722019-4 5-15722-019-4

 Why choose our company?

1. We have profession isuzu team,more than 20 years experience business isuzu parts.

2. We can offer used and new isuzu genuine parts, oem,good quality made in china parts to you.

3. The isuzu genuine parts will give weight,price when quotation.

4.Isuzu genuine stock pictures will send before order.

5.All isuzu parts can check with part number,all parts can order follow part number.

6. Quick delivery time,in 24 hours if sotck.

7. Safe packing to protect the goods, such as wooden box, Iron sheet for our isuzu parts.

8. Small quantity can accept.Sample order also accept.

9. 24 hours oversea service.

10.Lifelong after-sales service.

Q1:How long is the warranted time?<>

For natural broken, 3 months. Guarantee isuzu genuine parts.


Q2: What's payment you can accept?<>



Q3: What's package? Can you give me the package according my requirement?<>

Yes, Original Isuzu packing or Neutral packing with wooden box or carton


Q4: How about the lead time?<>

1) In stock: 1-3days.Always in 24 hours

2) Out of stock: It's according to your quantity, and we have cooperated with factory. 
We will let you know when we quote.


Q5: What's the shipping way you can offer?<>

1) Big order: By sea or by air.(It can reduce the costs)
2) Small order: DHL, TNT, UPS, FEDEX, EMS,ARAMEX


Q6: Whta's the terms of the transaction?<>


Q7: Do you accept small order?<>

Yes, small order can accept.


Q8: What's brand you can offer in your company?<>

1) OEM, 100% GENUINE PARTS, COPY(Made in China)


Contact us:<>

Skype:  otto-sales          heather131488     

Phone:  +86-18244942888       +86-15013333583    +8615002007618

Wechat: +86-18244942888       +86-15013333583

Whatsapp: +86-18244942888   +86-15013333583 
E-mail: [email protected]
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Add: A25-A28 Ji Ye Machinery Market,Hui Cai Road,Tian He District,GuangZhou,China

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